When Do You Need Your Water Well Repaired?
A water well is a tremendous advantage for a Monticello, MN homeowner to have. Water wells provide a nearly unlimited supply of water and allow homeowners to avoid monthly water bills. Even though you are avoiding those monthly water bills thanks to your home’s water well, you still need to maintain the well and have it repaired when needed. Signs your water well needs to be repaired include:
Air in Water Line.
Air in the water line is a telltale sign that your water well needs to be repaired. You know you have air in the water line when the air blows out of a faucet rather than water falling out of it. To repair this issue, a crack in your water line may need to be fixed or the water well pump may need to be repositioned.
Discolored or Smelly Water.
Another possible indicator of an issue with your water well is if the water coming through your taps or showerhead is discolored or smelly. This could be a sign of minerals present in your well pump that need to be removed. It could also indicate that the pump for yoru water well is placed too deep and needs to be elevated.
No Water.
A lack of water flowing through your home plumbing system is an obvious sign that your water well might be in need of repair. Hopefully the issue is as simple as a tripped circuit breaker. Unfortunately though, a lack of water in a home plumbing system is often due to a leak in the line or a larger issue with the water well pump.
Weak Water Pressure.
Weak water pressure in a home can be a sign that the water well needs to be repaired. If your water well is causing your home’s weak water pressure, repositioning the pump or addressing an inefficiency may be sufficient to restore your home’s water pressure.
Regardless of your home plumbing issue at hand, DJs Home Services expert technicians will determine your needs before any work is done, so you can make the best decision possible for your family and your Monticello, MN home.